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We are passionate about RADICAL ACCEPTANCE & the celebration of neurodivergence. We work toward social change that is built on a foundation of inclusion, equity & support.

Our practice is FAMILY centred, with an emphasis on the need for the entire family to have their individual needs met in order to THRIVE.

We are LGBTQIA+ embracing & we understand that culture, race, disability, neurotype & gender diversity all contribute to a rich & thriving society when all of our luminous qualities & values are UNDERSTOOD, and embraced. 



We are passionate about RADICAL ACCEPTANCE & the celebration of neurodivergence. We work toward social change that is built on a foundation of inclusion, equity & support.

Our practice is FAMILY centred, with an emphasis on the need for the entire family to have their individual needs met in order to THRIVE.

We are LGBTQIA+ embracing & we understand that culture, race, disability, neurotype & gender diversity all contribute to a rich & thriving society when all of our luminous qualities & values are UNDERSTOOD, and embraced. 




Core Programs

Our signature Core Programs are designed for forging peaceful pathways for families raising autistic children.

We offer three programs:

inTune with PDA

inTune Families


Click here for more

Core Programs

Our signature Core Programs are designed for forging peaceful pathways for families raising autistic children.

We offer two programs:

inTune with PDA

Critical Care & Recovery


Click here for more

Virtual Education

A variety of accessible, 60-90 minute prerecorded on-demand MasterClasses available to purchase any time on a wide range of topics such as:

Autism, PDA, Anxiety , Mental Health & Wellbeing, Solo parenting neurodivergent children, reframing screen time and more.


Browse our library

Virtual Education

    A variety of affordable, bite-sized MasterClasses available to purchase any time on a wide range of topics such as:

Autism, PDA, Anxiety and more.

 Each MasterClass can be viewed at your pace, and is yours to watch again & again.

Find them here




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(We won't ever spam you, that's just not our thing.)

  families, and so do we, the autistic community.

You have the right and the permission to take back your power as families; as leaders, and create a new beginning for you, and your family.

You get to explore what a paradigm shift in thinking, feeling, doing and being might look like for you in everyday life.

You have permission to engage in a space that is uplifting, nurturing, compassionate, empathetic and encourages shifting from a problem-based experience to having a community of like-minded kindred spirits that hold space for you, in order to keep you held, loved and supported in a solution based experience. No puzzle pieces, no warriors, no lighting anything up blue. Just regular everyday folks supporting one another. families, and so do we, the autistic community.

You have the right and the permission to take back your power as families; as leaders, and create a new beginning for you, and your family.

You get to explore what a paradigm shift in thinking, feeling, doing and being might look like for you in everyday life.

You have permission to engage in a space that is uplifting, nurturing, compassionate, empathetic and encourages shifting from a problem-based experience to having a community of like-minded kindred spirits that hold space for you, in order to keep you held, loved and supported in a solution based experience. No puzzle pieces, no warriors, no lighting anything up blue. Just regular everyday folks supporting one another.

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Video Poster Image
Video Poster Image
Visit the inTune Pathways YouTube Channel here
Visit the inTune Pathways YouTube Channel here




iTP homebase operates on Wurundjeri Country. Land nurtured and cared for by Marin-Balluk and Gunung-Willam-Bulluk clans, the Manna Gum people of Wurundjeri Country, Kulin Nation.

Our deepest respect, acknowledgement & gratitude for their ongoing connection with these lands.

We are committed to the amplification of First Nation voices everywhere, and decolonisation in our work.

This Country always was, and always will be Aboriginal land